Sunday, December 1, 2013


The reading and writing portions of the PD3 exam were just under two weeks ago, and despite all of the preparation, I still felt nervous and unfocused.  I just barely finished each section within the allotted time, mostly because I spent huge portions of time just staring down at my paper.

A few days before our scores were due to arrive, our teacher gave us a look at the answers to the reading portion.  This was great and all, but with a crap memory like mine, it only helped to confirm the few answers that I could remember.  Since our own answers were off being graded, we only had our own memories to go by as we checked the answers.  What I was able to confirm was that the one question I was almost sure I got wrong was, in fact, wrong.

We celebrated finishing the most time-consuming bit of the exam with a party at our place the Friday after the exam.  Everyone brought a dish from whatever country they came from, and the evening was full of fun conversation and TONS of food.  It was the very definition of Danish hygge.

On Friday morning, as I walked to class, I checked my email hoping I would have the email containing my grades.  I had, indeed, received an email from the school, but it looked at first like it only contained the time and place for my oral exam on the 16th.  As I scrolled further down, though, I got a shock that almost had me shouting out loud right there on the sidewalk:

Resultatet af dine skriftlige prøver fra denne termin:
Læseforståelse:                    10
Skriftlig fremstilling:              10

Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles… I actually managed to get the 10s I will need to continue on to module 6 after New Years!

I also received the subject for which I'm supposed to prepare a 2-minute monologue for the oral exam: Illegal dog breeds in Denmark.

We all know I love to talk about dogs, plus the topic was given well before we were expecting, giving us even more time than we thought we'd have to prepare.

Merry Christmas to me!


  1. Tillykke, har lige læst hele din blog og den er rigtig god. Bliv endelig ved:)

  2. Today I stumbled into your blog when searching placement test in Studieskolen. You can´t even imagine how eagerly I have been reading this morning all your posts related to Studieskolen.
    And now I see this post and although it is now some months belated I can't hold myself from saying. Tillykke!!!

    I started my danish education last September and last Monday I gave the exam to pass into Module 4. But I study in Frederikssund and I plan to change into Studieskolen for M4. Not sure where they will place me though as I have been told that there is much harder. So maybe I´ll go straight to M2?!? Hope not. But anyway your blog has given me a lot of inspiration and strength to continue struggling with dansk. Tak for det! Knus!

    1. Hello Paula! I'm sorry for the late response! Have you switched over to Studieskolen yet? If so, where were you placed? I'm so glad to hear that my blog has helped!
