Monday, August 6, 2012

Painting the Roses...err, Walls

Back in March, long before we moved to Denmark, I started to get the design itch.  It was probably because I'd been spending my days watching far too many episodes of whatever I could find on HGTV, but it lead me to write this post.

We've been in Copenhagen for just over a month now, and we have yet to really do much with the apartment aside from small projects like finding a brass lamp for the bathroom and scrubbing the floorboards.

Our furniture, however, is due to arrive some time soon.  Hopefully in the next week or so.  And that means that we need to get done any painting that needs doing.

After so many conversations with my husband in which he half jokes that I can paint the walls any color, as long as it's a shade of white, we actually agreed on a color for the dining room really quickly.

Ladies and gentlemen, he's letting me paint the walls RED!

Don't call immigration.  I kind of like it here.


  1. Wow, you must be pretty persuasive! But seriously though, even though I love my white walls, it does sound pretty cool.
    And don't worry about immigration, they're probably still on holiday.

  2. Sorry to hear that. Still, if you must absolutely choose another color than white, I salute your choice of red. Afterall:

    "We are red, we are white, we are Danish Dynamnite!"

    For an explanation, see the Danish flag or hear this (now severely dated) song from the Danish national football team back in 1984:

    (Listen to the chorus)
