Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Today Was a Sad Day

Tonight, I am skipping out on my Danish class in favor of drinks.

This is not normally my style, but tonight, it's a necessity.

Back at the height of the recession, in October of 2008, my company did some "restructuring."  That "restructuring" lead to me moving to Boston in order to keep my job.  In the end, this was a great move, as I met my fiance here in Boston and wouldn't be getting married or moving to Denmark otherwise.

But today, we took another hit.  A few months ago my company was bought out by one of the major media conglomerates.

And today, they made their presence known.  By laying off half of my office, including all of my managers.

I've somehow managed to survive the cut, but it's heartbreaking.  It's hard enough to get a job as it is right now.

The people here have been so kind to me.  They've been fun, and helpful, and ridiculous, and maddening.

And I'll miss every one of them.


  1. I wish I could have been there for the drinks. I miss that place so much and it seems like yesterday that we gathered at the Point when SmartRoutes closed

  2. At least a couple of us will be at the Red Hat tonight, if you want to swing by. :P
